Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've Solved the Einstein Riddle

Guyz, actually it's my first English post. I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes in this post, cz I wrote it is just wanna improve my English skill. Oh sure, you could gimme some correction. And it makes me happy if you wanna do that. :)

When I was in 3rd grade of senior high school, Rio (one of my close friends) gave me a riddle. You know? It's not just an ordinary riddle. I think it's a greatest riddle I've ever known. Of course, because the author of this riddle is Einstein. Well, I didn't really certain that Einstein have created this riddle. But that's not important for me, I think this riddle is just AWESOME!

Einstein wrote this riddle early during the 19th century. He said 98% of the world could not solve it. So, it means that if you could solve this riddle, you are the part of 2% genius people in the world. Wow! It just makes me more and more curious. :)

Here the riddle:
There are 5 houses in 5 different colors. In each houses lives a person with a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage.

The question is
: who owns the fish?

feeling confused? Don't worry, here some hints to help you. :)

  1. The Brit lives in the red house
  2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets
  3. The Dane drinks tea
  4. The green house is on the left of the white house
  5. The green homeowner drinks coffee
  6. The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
  7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
  8. The man living in the center house drinks milk
  9. The Norwegian lives in the first house
  10. The man who smokes Marlboro lives next to the one who keeps cats
  11. The man who keeps the horse lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill
  12. The owner who smokes Winfield drinks beer
  13. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
  14. The German smokes Rothmans
  15. The man who smokes Marlboro has a neighbour who drinks water

This riddle isn’t contain any tricks. It’s just pure logic. It’s not hard, you just need to concentration and be patient. Guyz, I hope you don't give up when you are struggling to solve it. REMEMBER! DO NOT SEE THE ANSWER BELOW BEFORE YOU HAVE YOUR OWN ANSWER. Guyz, I've could solved it for about 3 hours. You know? The fastest record is 10 minutes. Wow! That’s great! But I don’t know who has that great record. I suppose it must be Einstein him self. :)


House        yellow     # blue     # red       # green    # white

Nationality  norwegian  # dane     # brit      # german   # swede

Beverage     water      # tea      # milk      # coffee   # beer

Cigarette    dunhill    # marlboro # pall mall # rothmans # winfield

Pets         cats       # horse    # birds     # fish     # dogs

So, the man who owns fish is german.

15 comment(s):

Alam Hikmah said...

apaan ini pak... ???

oh ya leat postingan terbaruku eaa..
gara njenengan pak aq sekarang terpaksa n smgand nulis lg... :)

Unknown said...

cm pngen coba2 posting pake english,, itung2 latian pak,, hehe, okelah,,

GleeWarblersFan said...

blognya keren salam #kaskus visit blog saya juga ya www.togetherforeverything.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

oke gan,, makasih atas kunjungannya ea,,
lg k TKP neh,,

Fery said...

Assalamu'alaykum.... Nice riddle. I ever trying to solve it before, i am not so good in logic so i can't solved it. Well, keep writing..!!

fera putri said...

itu kan soal logika kita(aslab 08) waktu ujian pendaftaran asisten lab it UMM angkatan 2008....
Fery lupa ya.........
ps : sepertinya waktu itu saya juga telah menyelesaikannya. tapi entah jawabanku waktu itu benar ato gag. sdikit luping(lupa2ingat.red) dan ga dikasi tau nilai/kebenarannya dari tes waktu itu....

Unknown said...

@fery: it's not really hard brother,, just keep trying to solve it, okay? :)

@fera: wah sip dah kalo gitu mbak,, :D

Rio said...

Wah ada namaQ..ahaha
kunjungi juga blognyario.blogspot.com ya..
Wajib!! maklum nubie nh.. kasih saran yo..

Unknown said...

@rio: sm2 newbie bro,, smangaat! :)

dez said...

hehehe.. aku juga pernah dikasih ini ma dosenku.
tapi dah diterjemahin dalm bahasa Indonesia. ckck


Unknown said...

@rodez: hehe,, ok, thx udah mampir,,,

Anonymous said...

teringat waktu ngajar komp n kasih soal ini ke anak smp kelas 1, ternyata 50% persen bs jawab dgn benar.
thanks dah posting materi2 bahasa c
ijin kopas buat bahan ajar murid2ku

Unknown said...

hebat yah, msh smp uda bisa soal ginian,, :)

silakan dikopas sepuasnya, asal berguna aku juga senang, makasih jg udah mampir di blog ini,, :)

Anonymous said...

wah keduluan deh, dulu pernah ketemu soal ini, terus tak bikin programnya, eh gak kelar2 permutasinya banyak banget.
baru kemaren ketemu lagi terus penasaran karena logika sekarang bisa beda gak sama bertahun-tahun lalu.
akhirnya jadi juga programnya dalam 2 hari. hehehe.
tapi di jaman si Einstein itu belum ada komputer canggih mungkin maksudnya adalah yang bisa masuk 2% itu yang memecahkan solusinya secara manual.
hmmm kalo manual ya, ntar deh tak cobain, huehue.

Unknown said...

ah ya, tentu Enstein ga pake program dulunya. Emang untuk kasus kaya gini permutasinya banyak banget. tp dgn bantuan clue2 yg disediakan, kemungkinan2 yg muncul jadi berkurang hingga ada satu aja kemungkinan yg bisa terjadi. :D

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