Monday, October 25, 2010

My First Award (I Dunno What Should I do!)

Well, I got this award about 1 week ago (it's been a long enough!). I'm so sorry to tyas who has given me this award. I really didn't know what should I do. #hammer# (remember: it's my first award)

Anyway, now I could understand how to receive this award.:)

Firstly, I will give this award to these friends: 
  1. 17thepoems
  2. avtutor
  3. bangjohan
  4. coveroxxi
  5. deznote
  6. dhafiq-san
  7. monlievt
  8. operlood
  9. salmanalfa
  10. spyc0dz
Now, everyone who wanna take this award must follow these rules: put your link on number 10 and erase the number 1. Every link must be one step scrolled up. At the last, it should be like this:
  1. Dark Ard Deidara
  2. Walk to Wonderland
  3. Action-girl
  4. Dunianya✖Nina
  5. Mirah Andi ♥ Big Bang is VIP
  6. The Versatile Avenue
  7. the waterFlow
  8. babywiie
  9. tyas dessandie
  10. Knowledge is Delicious!

 Just follow those steps. Are you feeling confused? Same as me at the first time! #hammer# Well yeah, you could read the complete instruction from tyas' blog. Thanks! :)

(NB: just correct me if you find my English mistake. I'm in learning process. ^^)

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