Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Hack

[update] This bug has been patched by admin. If you're still trying to use or apply this hacking tutorial, I'm not responsible for the blocking of your NIM by admin. :)
Hey, readers! I'm so glad because I just finished this my first hacking tutorial. :) Well, in this post I will tell you how to hack a website named What the hell website is that? And why should we hack this website? OK, firstly, lemme tell you that is a website used by students in my college to see their test score and IP (Indeks Prestasi). This site requires NIM (Nomor Induk Mahasiswa) and PIC (Personal Identification Code). We should have those both then we could see ours (test score and IP).

Pic 1

Just open the website, enter both your NIM and PIC and select which scores do you want to see.

Pic 2

Click submit then you will see your score. (I censored this pic below for privacy reasons :P)

Pic 3

How to Hack It
I'll tell you first that we aren't going to change those scores, we are just going to see another student's score. As you can see above, we just can see our score only, not your friend's or any student's. But now of course you can, because we are going to hack it. :P

There is add on for Mozilla Firefox called Tamper Data. This tool would help us to do it. First, you just have to install this add on and don't forget to restart your browser (I use Firefox 5.0).

OK, the next step is just like the Pic 1. Enter your NIM and PIC. After you find a page seems like Pic 2, activate your Tamper Data. On your browser, click Tools > Tamper Data > Start Tamper. Then click submit (on the web page) and you will see a pop up.

Pic 4

Click Tamper and you will see a new window contains some data. You just have to modify these data. I will give you an example. The pic below is the original data.

Pic 5

example case: I want to see another student's score named Hafizh Nurul Irsyad. Then I should change my NIM to Hafizh's NIM. You don't need to worry about the nama column. You could enter any word do you like (it doesn't take any effect).

Pic 6

Click the OK button and...

Pic 7

TADAA! You now could see Hafizh's score and IP. It's kinda really easy, right? :D

4 comment(s):

fadly said...

owh... iki toh seng ndelok nilaiku wingi....
request cara buka

sashuke imura said...

kurang ajar iki....

Arief sugianto said...

wah ilham rek...g apik iki....masuk daftar DPO bahaya......lanjutkan il....

Dyah Ayu Rahmawati said...

Infokhs can not be open :( what do i do then

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